1904 Honolulu Women's Home

Women's Society of Nu‘uanu Church

Honolulu Women's Home

Children's Home

Children's Home on Vineyard Street

Children's Assembly

Children's Assembly
with many other churches

Children's Home on Vineyard Street

Groundbreaking for the School Street Church Building

Laying the Corner Stone on Kukui Street Church Building

Jiro Watanabe

Church Building on Kukui Street

Kukui Street

Laying the Corner Stone on Kukui Street Building

The Church on Kukui Street

The Congregation at Kukui Street

Sunday School Children at Kukui Street

Groundbreaking for the School Street Sanctuary

1950 School Street Church Building

1957 - Ms. Elaine Nakagawa, Church Secretary

1957 - Worship in Sanctuary

1957 - Social Hall Wing

1957 - Social Hall

1957 - Women's Dormitory for 18 University Students

1957 - Men's Dormitory for 22 University Students

1957 - Parsonage for Rev. Goto and Family
2354 Liliha Street

1957 - Parsonage for Rev. Kawata and Family
2664 Rooke Avenue

1957 - Ms. Helen Kimura
Ms Kimura points out the organizational chart

1957 Pastors with Moderator Mr. Sadamoto Iwashira
From L to R: Rev. Teruo Kawata (Assistant Minister), Mr. Sadamoto Iwashira (Moderator), Rev. Masaichi Goto (Minister)

1957 Officers
From Left to Right: Sadamoto Iwashita, Moderator; Francis Nomura, Vice-Moderator; Yuji Miyamoto, Treasurer; Rev. T. Kawata, Pastor; Jikuma Tahara, Trustee; Rev. M. Goto, Pastor; Walter Nomura, Chair of the Board of Deacons

1957 - Men's Club preparing for heck dinner
Mr. Akita, center, President; Mr. Kitagawa, left; Mr. Shimomura, right

Zabuton for Bazaar
Mrs. Okada (left) and Mrs. Kitagawa (right)

Laymen's Fellowship
Mr. Nobuyuki Sasaki, President

Matrons Club
Mrs. Namiki (left), Mrs. Nishimoto (center), Mrs. Nakagawa (right) prepare refreshment for Aloha Hour

1957 Choir
Frances Toda, Director

Plymouth Fellowship
Post High School Group

Pilgrim Fellowship
High School Group

Intermediate Fellowship
at Camp

Boy Scout Troop 82
Mr. H. Miyagi, Scoutmaster

Sunday School Leaders
Mr. Harry Imai (right) Superintendent of Sunday School; Mr. Owen Miyamoto (left) Religious Education Committee Chairman

Class under Miss Angeline Kane

Eager Second Grader

Mrs. Tsukamoto and Kindergarten Class

Mrs. Harada's class in the chapel

Aloha Hour with Refreshments

Financial Staff at work under Mrs. Nakamura (center)

Easter 1957
The largest group to be baptized!

Bazaar Committee under Chairman Yukio Nakagawa

Bazaar Crowd

with Mr. Kumezuchi Nakamura, the oldest living member
with Walter Nomura and Rev. Kawata

October 20, 1957
65th Anniversary Celebration Group Picture

The Issei Group at School Street

The Women of Nu‘uanu

Preschool and Day Care

Real Estate Advertisement for the Pali Hwy Property

Pali Site before construction

Beginning of Pali Hwy Sanctuary Construction

1971 - Burning of the Pali Hwy Building Mortgage